Written by Rachel Theran, Director Solution Markerting, Iron Mountain On Friday, August 24 th , the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the White House and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the “Managing Government Records Directive&rdquo
Below is an outline of the Managing Government Records Directive issued by the U.S
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First up is Dan Rosen, Director of Policy Analysis and Enforcement for NARA who presented Transforming Federal Records Management: OMB and NARA released the Managing Government Records Directive in 2012 to establish a 21st century framework for records management in the Federal Government
With the 2012 President’s Managing Government Records Directive (MGRD), federal agencies were required to finally make the transition to electronic record keeping and address the challenge of managing email for both records management and e-discovery purposes
Upcoming deadlines to comply with the 2012 President’s Managing Government Records Directive are putting new pressure on federal agencies to develop, fund and implement the new requirements and milestones
Capstone is an option for agencies, but all must determine how to manage email properly by December 31, 2016, per the Managing Government Records Directive
Upcoming deadlines to comply with the 2012 Managing Government Records Directive and growing eDiscovery demands, along with the accelerated pace of new technology adoption are changing the records management landscape and bringing together records managers, legal and IT in a transition towards a broader Information Governance (IG) strategy that integrates records management and eDiscovery processes
A key driver is the NARA/OMB Managing Government Records Directive, OMB 12-18 http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/memoranda/2012/m-12-18.pdf
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And, the president's 2012 Managing Government Records Directive details the National Archives and Records Administration to promote cloud-based services to store and manage electronic records
In my previous blog, the State of the Art in Records Management – Part 1, I discussed the new market drivers for records management: eDiscovery Audit Readiness Big Bucket Retention Schedules The New Definition of a Record The Obama Managing Government Records Directive In this blog, I will cover the vendor response to these new market drivers
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