But I do applaud Big Windows for the screen blip it calls managed metadata services. That's one tiny leap of faith for Microsoft
Create a connection to the Managed Metadata Service. You can do this by following these instructions http://www.sharepointninja.com/Blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?
Some of SharePoint Server 2013’s managed metadata’s granular features are as follows: Publish and subscribe model for distributed content types and related site policies Central management of social #hashtags Site-based retention policy SharePoint Server 2013’s managed metadata service (MMS) application, a shared services application as shown in the image below, is what makes it possible to use managed metadata. The MMS allows you to share content types across site collections and web applications in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365’s SharePoint Online . The managed metadata service (MMS) enables you to publish a term store for your organization as well as an optional configuration for content types to use a managed metadata connection. Overview of the Managed Metadata Service Application An extremely useful capability of the managed metadata service is that it can allow records managers within your organization to administer and update metadata over time without the need to provide them with SharePoint farm administration permissions
You probably know by now that SharePoint 2010 includes a feature called Managed Metadata. If you haven’t yet used it, you may not know how absolutely cool this feature is
Late last week, one of SharePoint’s awesome capabilities rose in front of us as a major obstacle – Managed Metadata. I won’t bore you with the gory details, but we wanted to copy the managed metadata terms from our collaborative document space along with the final PDF as we placed it in our Records Library. Copying managed metadata in a SharePoint Designer workflow is not easy
Along with search, managed metadata is a service in SharePoint that operates at the organization level to allow for comprehensive classification and tagging of enterprise content
Custom content types can be housed in a content type hub that is defined in the managed metadata service instance and then made available to other site collections that are part of web applications associated with that managed metadata service instance
In SharePoint, this means using the Managed Metadata features that first appeared in the 2010 version. The finer points of Managed Metadata in SharePoint is a blog post (or two) unto itself so I’ll refer you to an excellent summary of metadata in SharePoint by UK-based SharePoint MVP Chris O’Brien
Yes, that's another plug for MMS (a.k.a. "managed metadata services")
How are companies using SharePoint Managed Metadata Services? Can this expedite the migration from network shares? The concept of centrally managed metadata is new in SharePoint 2010 and the platform has been around for about 18 months now, but I haven't seen any clients I have worked with fully leverage this new functionality and my personal experience tells me that most Microsoft partners don't fully understand this important aspect of SharePoint
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