What are your thoughts on all of this? 1. Jeff Shuey jshuey I wonder if the Big Three #ECM vendors know that it's Game Over...CMIS is still on it's way. 4. Jeff Shuey jshuey @CherylMcKinnon Agreed
Recently, Jeff Shuey pondered if Product vs Distributed vs Workgroup Scanning were all the same
In his AIIM post entitled The Future of SharePoint (and Windows 7 Phone) Jeff Shuey predicted "that there will be a boom in solutions that look nothing like SharePoint does today
The use of tools is one of the things that sets humans apart from other animals. Sure, there are other animals that use tools to achieve a task, but only humans have developed a complex set of tools AND the necessary safety precautions to insure we can use them over and over again....
I have noticed recruiters at SharePoint Saturday and other events before, but this last weekend at the SharePoint Saturday event in Los Angeles I saw at least three different firms chatting up the attendees. This is a Very Good Thing! I think the fact that recruiters are taking...
What happens on either side of a document scanning process? Well, actually ... A lot. The irony is that most of the time the people and processes that live on either side of the scanner are oblivious to each other. The question is - Does this matter? The answer is...
I wrote the post below on May 10, 2011. Since then there have been several articles chiming in on the pros and cons of the pending Microsoft acquisition of Skype. The more I think about it the more I am convinced that Microosft has a significant opportunity to do something great. I'm...
How should businesses think about processing both paper and electronic documents? Is there a best way? Is there a right way? The Simple Answer … No! There is no “ideal” capture strategy that will work for and apply to every business. Every business has unique...
Well, it seems like the buzz this week about Yammer “agreeing” to sell itself to Microsoft are all set to come true. At least based on some of the headlines … Yammer Agrees to Sell Itself to Microsoft Microsoft mulling $1 billion Yammer buy ...
As Paul Galvin’s BrightStarr post aptly identifies … The World needs Shining Examples Well, at least The SharePoint World does. Take a look at Paul’s Post - Let Shining Examples Lead the Way to Increased Shar ePoint Adoption ...
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