This is a guest post by Dana Simberkoff, AvePoint Vice President of Risk Management & Compliance. (Note: This is part of our series “Collaborate with Confidence”. Previous posts: Assessing Risk: Is Your Compliance Plan up to the Test? ) Information placed on the...
This is a guest post by Dana Simberkoff, Vice President, Risk Management & Compliance, AvePoint . For most organizations worldwide, it’s no longer a matter of “if” they will move to the cloud but rather “what” they will put in the cloud. Keeping everything on-premises within the walls...
by Social – the cure all to productivity, instant communication, effective collaboration. Are you on board yet? I still read conflicting accounts about the adoption rate of ‘social’ within an enterprise. I think the tide is...
So for true security of data, a layered approach to data security that bases security on the sensitivity of the information (content) itself, or one that is “content-aware”, is required versus just looking at access controls
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We have Black Gold. We have Sovereign Wealth Funds. We are Rich. We also have regulations, some... Bahrain and Qatar have good financial regulations. Abu Dhabi has better health regulations. Dubai has more focus on Trade. Above all this looms the Sheikhdom who may pardon, modify or even...
This is simply not true according to a study by the Ponemon Institute (a leading data security institute based in Traverse City, MI)
Then, the realities of information creation context, data security constraints, metadata consistency, and overall e-records management became evident...” Is there going to be a Big Data Security and Privacy Czar?
Still, every organization needs to improve worker efficiency and access to information while maintaining control over data security, privacy and compliance, allowing top-to-bottom Collaboration with Confidence
What are the associated data security risks? Should you worry?
Certain policies, such as the Payment Card Information Data Security Standard, require log managing and archiving
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