
Thread Subject Replies Last Post Community
0 3 days ago by Sarah Lambert-Sheffield Special Interest Group: Women in Information Management (WIIM)
6 3 days ago by Revathi Balachandran
Original post by Sarah Lambert-Sheffield
Special Interest Group: Women in Information Management (WIIM)
0 3 days ago by Erin Dempsey Florida Chapter
4 4 days ago by Karen Bleakley
Original post by Rosemary Flynn
Special Interest Group: Women in Information Management (WIIM)
0 18 days ago by Sarah Lambert-Sheffield Special Interest Group: Government
0 06-19-2024 by Erin Dempsey Florida Chapter
1 06-14-2024 by Donda Young, CIP
Original post by Ally Norat
Special Interest Group: Women in Information Management (WIIM)
4 06-14-2024 by Donda Young, CIP Massachusetts: New England Chapter
3 06-14-2024 by pieter Lokker
Original post by Akindele Arikawe
Special Interest Group: Oil and Gas
0 06-08-2024 by Anthea Ryan Special Interest Group: Women in Information Management (WIIM)
Showing 1 to 10 of 533 threads (1.1K total posts)