Figure 2 – Example of Google Analytics Here are a couple of great resources to expand your knowledge regarding how to think about consumers and how we provide world class solutions for them to be effective in the workplace: Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO on Design Thinking Usability Professional Association SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction) Jakob Nielsen – Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users As users become more sophisticated and experienced with using powerful E2.0 applications one of the most important deciding factors in what they prefer to use will be if it is designed with “consumer first” thinking
• Application Usability: What criteria is being used to determine if applications are easy to use, fast, aesthetically pleasing and intuitive? • Think Users First: Are we asking our users what business problem they are trying to solve and matching solutions to meet their needs?
We can reduce (and possibly eliminate) decisions and uncertainty. First we need to take a moment to consider what actions and decisions the employee has to make each day regarding information: Filing Classifying Retrieval Re-filing Destruction/Deletion How can we help?
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
The key to tying social computing to productivity is to first understand the business gap that they fill, and then to help your end users understand the context (specific use cases, business processes) in which to use them
There are two sets of questions: The first set consists of 5 categories of questions (a total of 27 questions)...You’ll get the best answers to these questions by first asking the second set of questions
Having served in analyst and project manager roles for many years before becoming a records manager, I have a few lessons learned to share. First, start by understanding constraints
Drug Dealers and IT are the only people who call their customers “users” Seriously, why does corporate IT have more in common with a street pharmacist than the genius bar at the local Apple Store? Is Lotus Notes or SharePoint the new corporate crack? What does it say about an...
3 Comments - After a few months I got the call where the IT manager who's first line was, "You know, you guys are like drug dealers
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