You also cannot walk 10 feet without seeing people with their eyes glued to their keitai (mobile phone). Smartphones are quickly taking the Asian markets by storm
Get out your smart phones; see you then
Our CEO, Dean Tang, recently spoke at the Mobile Computing Summit, so I'd like to welcome him to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss ABBYY’s perceptions of the event. Guest Post by Dean Tang, CEO, ABBYY USA With the development in technology of smartphones, tablets,...
While having lunch today, I was reading an article by Eric Zeman of Information Week Titled “Cell Phone Driving Ban: Good Idea ?
Identify what is to be used by mobile workers and ensure it is mobile ready not just Web access to an application that frustrates those who use it. What’s my phone got to do with a business process?
I hear this term Smartphone and I envision a classroom full of phones learning how to read, do calculations and eventually graduating from Smartphone school with the designation Smartphone duly conferred upon them. Is it really the phone that is smart or is it the user who masters the capabilities of this device?
With the advent of high pixel density mobile screens on phones, tablets and phablets , there are still some unknowns as to whether the desktop and laptop computers will also include such high resolution screens
Imagine you are having a heart attack and a nurse or Doctor near you takes out a phone, attaches leads to it and is able to record what is happening
But people want (and need) to sign on the go. Mobile phones and tablets typically don’t support Smart Card readers
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