Forms Processing is a proven technology that allows organizations of all sizes to benefit by improving efficiency and decreasing operational costs. There are many case studies available online to support these facts. When implemented properly the cost of a Forms Processing solution can easily...
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There is a natural progression in the growth and development of a software development team or start-up. As the problems and your solutions get more and more complex, the tools you require to manage these solutions needs to be able to handle these changes. What would software development be...
""What a seamless integration with SharePoint..." "It's really, really fast (duh)..." "See those Refiners on the left? That tells you who edited what file format and when -- coooolness." These are some of the superlatives...
Last year at the Microsoft SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, Donald Farmer, Microsoft’s Principal Program Manager for SQL Server Analysis Services, pulled me up on stage to do a 5-minute bit on why BI Professionals should embrace, rather than fear, self-service Business Intelligence ( ...
The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
Many companies are preparing to upgrade from earlier versions of SharePoint to the recently released SharePoint 2010 version. As such, I thought it might be helpful to do an overview of the upgrade options and considerations. The intention here is not to give you step-by-step instructions but...
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