I hope the title is not misleading, but to be more specific, this is where the GARP health check up gets it wrong. Line 50 in the health check up states, "records managers responsible for paper records; IT responsible for electronic records." I read this statement and was surprised...
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3. Challenge the Process – Principle 2: Experiment and Take Risks Risk taking is one of the expectations of a great leader. However, the risks need to be manageable and have an acceptable probability of loss. Some time ago I was involved with an E2.0 initiative where there was a...
Your job and role as a leader is to make change happen every day. Change is not something you delegate and wait until it has been completed. Change is an ongoing experience. Most importantly for businesses, it directly involves the customer or internal client. How can E2.0 change the way...
So you helped others imagine the possibilities. Now what? You will need to enlist others in the passion you have expressed so they can take pride in the work and eventually affect their performance positively. One question you might ask all those involved and committed in your initiative is: ...
You are responsible and accountable as the leader for being a catalyst for change and for setting exciting, interesting and attractive goals. You must organize the efforts toward the end game, and make it all begins in your mind’s eye. You cannot wait for an extraordinary goal to be...
Exemplary leaders lead the charge. You do this by setting the example . On a daily basis, you must be committed and engaged in action that demonstrates your beliefs are worthwhile living. Your first action is a collaborative approach where you build a consensus around the shared values of...
Personal credibility is one of the most critical personal traits of a leader. Leaders promote two principles in this practice: find your voice to clarify values and set the example. Today we will discuss the first principle. Would you be willing to follow a leader who was wishy-washy about...
I was humbled to receive an invitation to share some of my ERM/ECM/KM experience for the E2.0 blogosphere. I have accumulated quite the long years of experience, beginning in the late 1960s with imaging, aperture cards, microfilm and microfiche, and some of the earlier applications of CD-ROM to...
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