The reference here was what the Reseller attendees were telling me they hear form their clients in relation to patient records. They are looked at as being special because they are patient records. While this is true to a degree, they are still records nonetheless and just like any information requiring security and access controls, retention and disposition guidelines, they are still records and should be treated as such
You need to pay attention to this message because it not only shows vulnerability and lack of control but reinforces the need for strong governance over records and emphasizes just how much of a positive impact moving to an all digital patient records model will provide
In June, Bloomberg published a story that put the blame for a hospital patient’s death squarely on electronic medical records (EMR)...As a result, we get medical records full of errors
2 Comments - If not, then didn't he violate HIPAA TPO permissions accessing a record he shouldn't have?
A common topic of discussion in my classes and at various speaking engagements is how digital patient records are here and there is no place to hide from it. The mandate came early from President Obama and was soon followed by another mandate regarding the reporting of information breaches with respect to patient records. While these are now in play, several entities moved quickly to provide guidelines on how to accomplish this task of managing patient records more efficiently and securely which introduced us to the term meaningful use and that healthcare providers must be able to prove meaningful use of technology in order to comply and potentially qualify for available funding to supplement costs
In the case of patient records, what hurts or can hurt many is non-compliance to regulatory mandates, especially when something can be done to prevent it
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
Given the directive to move into a more paper free environment for patient records, and given that the technology to digitize and capture paper based information – document imaging – has been around since the 1980s with greater improvements in the technology and lowered costs today, the question I have is why is this still happening?
I was thumbing through this week’s InformationWeek magazine and ran across an ad promoting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) incentives for professionals and hospitals who can demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology
I think that the concept of digital patient records is sound and look to a day when I can simply walk into any facility around the country, knowing that they will be able to access my patient files when and if authorized to do so. I also think there are many lessons learned in the content and records management industry that could readily be applied to meet the growing demands faced by medical practitioners in establishing and maintaining compliance
You see as 2014 approaches, the need to move to a digital environment for patient records and be compliant with Federal mandates nears and here in FL that apparently translated into a statewide DOH system
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