Who is your figurative Kevin Bacon , and how many steps away from him is your network? The science behind social networking is burgeoning, and most people are barely skimming the surface of what we can do with this data
One of the more difficult aspects of the new world of marketing in a social computing paradigm is throttling your communications. Twitter is fleeting. Unless you've hit on a specific hashtag or keyword that someone is tracking, your messaging will be lost in the shuffle of generic partner...
Remember that great episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was plagued by an annoying officemate who seemed to always appear at the right moment to mistakenly get credit for work he did not do, and was gone just as quickly and quietly when blame was to be handed out? It's one of those episodes that...
Many organizations underestimate the cultural learning curve associated with implementing more social collaboration tools. People are becoming more familiar with consumer-based social tools, yes, but how those familiar technologies fit into the enterprise, and how their enterprise permutations...
I have always been a music collector. My garage contains specially insulated cases for my large vinyl collection, which are an annual topic with my wife who would like to see them go away. But that's another story. Back in 1983, I purchased a couple records (Bauhaus and Depeche Mode, if you&...
Auletta said that Google doesn't get the fear it inspires -- not in rivals but the decidedly less science and math-based professions that have been scrambled by an endless supply of free web content where Google plays the primary demand-side mediator
I do not think Klout "owns" this category, nor do I think that what they are doing, and other firms with similar tools and algorithms, is hard science. The reality is that these measurements are much more subjective that people think
The repurcussions for healthcare organizations, from hospitals to life science firms, are enormous
One of the most common requests from end users who are looking for better social interaction within the enterprise is to build "something that looks like Facebook." The idea is that people want features such as user profiles, alerts, threaded discussions, the ability to follow, Like,...
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