Alan talks about why ECM hasn't lived up to the promise of a unified content infrastructure and offers his opinions on social business and where the content industry is heading in this AIIM 2014 sneak peek of his keynote presentation: The Fragmented Enterprise: ECM in the Era of Social...
One of the most common requests from end users who are looking for better social interaction within the enterprise is to build "something that looks like Facebook." The idea is that people want features such as user profiles, alerts, threaded discussions, the ability to follow, Like,...
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Over the last few years, I've spent a lot of time writing and talking about the benefits of collaboration and the technology to support collaboration in its many forms. What has become clear during that time is just how nebulous and confusing the term "collaboration" is. But while it's easy to...
I have always been a music collector. My garage contains specially insulated cases for my large vinyl collection, which are an annual topic with my wife who would like to see them go away. But that's another story. Back in 1983, I purchased a couple records (Bauhaus and Depeche Mode, if you&...
Dedicated use device for scanning documents No need to wait for the copy machine to become free for use Versatile functionality without compromise of added complexity Advanced scanning functions performed transparent to user Ability to...
Wow… what a great event! Almost a week later and I’ve just about got the time to draw breath and reflect on SharePoint Saturday UK 2012. The guys, Tony, Brett and Mark and all their helpers did a fantastic job of putting on a great community focussed, free event. If you...
Like the proverbial dead horse, the “paperless office” is a term that still elicits endless beatings. What a sad state paper is in. We love it. We hate it. Some days we even love to hate it. Some claim it’s renewable, it’s clutter, it’s a major cause of pollution or it’s nostalgic....
This is not a political post! It's an analogy... so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ 1 : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 2 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism...
It’s not that I don’t like e-mail. I do believe it’ll still have its place, together with the typewriter, vinyl record and the Walkman. Ok, that may sound a little too extreme for some. Maybe a more realistic assessment is to compare the future of e-mail with our home address or our telephone...
Documents cross firewalls all the time, as downloads from web sites , portals, FTP sites, email attachments , etc. Why should a CIO worry about this? It’s under control, right? After all, the networks and desktops are locked down tight right? In actual fact I’ll bet...
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