In a world where everyone wonders what will be next in social collaboration, process automation or electronic content management, this article actually presents a new way of looking at the state of the web today. Today I'd like to talk about "the real-time web"
What is your take on native mobile apps vs. Web-based in terms of cost, reliability?...Why use a mobile app when they could use a Web application on their mobile device?
Many now have unlimited data plans with 3G Internet to access a whole range of Web services. For example, over 25% of the U.S. population are "mobile-only", i.e. they almost never use a PC or laptop to access the Web. This figure will only grow in the years to come. Mobile Web Usage According to recent IDC study , the most popular activites of mobile users include sending and receiving IMs, web search, downloading music and videos, reading news, literature, social networking (e.g
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in CMSExpo – a conference that brings together web developers, designers, content strategists and project managers
1 Comment - I for one never have been a fan of mobile "apps" for the mobile web. When I was developing and providing services on my own web CMS years before HTML5, I designed with mobile and PC both in mind and was able to dynamically optimize and deliver client web pages to mobile devices without the need for a clunky app. At that time XHTML 1.0 was the Web Standard for markup
Remember the 90’s? Remember when the web was an awful user experience compared to just about the only thing the web ran on, i.e. a fully capable computer. Whether it was your desktop or your laptop, you pulled up those anemic, mostly static webpages next to relatively lively and actionable fat-client applications. The novelty of the web was pervasive, but the experience was lacking
Creative aspects of the solution and usability have become the themes of solution. Web content management (WCM) or Content Management Systems (CMS) products are just part of the solution and do not lead the overall solution anymore
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
Thanks to Jobs, browsing the web on our smartphones and tablets is now the norm
This decision should be based on answers to the following questions: What is the pricing model used on Web portals? Can the same model be leveraged for mobile services too?
We dropped External Lists into SharePoint sites, and we wired up a web part page of Data View Web Parts to look up and modify some simple data tables
Organizations want trusted content access from smart devices, but more importantly they are demanding consistency across mobile, Web, and desktop. If you want to hear more on this topic, please attend this webinar hosted by AIIM’s President, John Mancini Join John and Cengiz at 2 PM EST on May 15 for: How Mobile is your ECM?
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