I would like to know if someone can tell me where I can get hold of a digital resolution test chart (soft copy) NOT ON PAPER. I need it to record this digital resolution test chart on 35mm microfilm by using an archive writer. Look forward to hearing from you. Many Thanks, Cyrus csp...
Question: What do 3½ -inch floppy disks and microfilm scanners have in common? Answer: Both are technologies that have been overtaken by events. It happens all the time: a new technology is invented to better support a particular need, it generates much buzz and often...
My wife and I saw the movie Argo last night as part of our run-up to the Oscars this weekend, and I couldn't help but be struck by one scene that perfectly framed the old argument over the relative security of paper vs. electronic documents. (Yes, I know, it's a sickness. But come...
One of the nice things about having tracked the use of process and information technology for so many years is that my contempt for gaudy headlines and showy marketeering is something that I have come by honestly. There is plenty of revolutionary talk that I do believe in, such as the buzz...
My good friend Bob Zagami (former AIIM Chairman) took me to task here on the AIIM website for not talking about film when I gave the Industry Predictions for 2012. ( http://www.aiim.org/community/blogs/expert/Industry-Predictions-for-2012 ) It was a criticism repeated in other forums by some of...
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With all the emphasis on the paperless office and paper reduction, you rarely hear any mention of our old reliable friend the Microform . For those of you who may not be familiar with this tried and true media format, microforms include microfiche, microfilm, microjackets and aperture cards....
When we first started a records management initiative 15 years ago, it was all about scanning account agreements and storing statements & green bar reports from our core processing system. Five years later we had two separate, relatively specialized document management systems, the original...
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