Have you ever spent time looking for a document or a receipt? And no matter where you looked you could not turn it up?...Step 2: Index it Right – The First Time Know what you need to extract from the documents you are scanning or importing
Trying to locate ‘lost’ documents was one of the biggest bugbears that we found. Of those who responded, over two thirds wasted either up to or even over an hour each day looking for documents and 20% said they had to then waste even more time creating documents from scratch. If you take that hour each day that people are wasting and extrapolate it across the UK, then businesses could be wasting as much as £15 billion every year while employees search for documents. With everything online instantly accessible it seems ludicrous that so many employees are being held up by their own company’s network and systems. As part of the survey we also wanted to find out what staff perceive as being important in helping them do a better job, and while almost 50% would see the value in better technology, 93% said that quick access to the documents and information would enable them to be much more efficient at work
1 Comment - As far as storing records, it has a powerful document management system, which is full blown archival...Overall, navigation and proper document management system were 2 of my largest problems with past CMS’s I have experienced
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