For many organizations, lifecycle management of content is an important capability to address compliance and litigation concerns. But recognize that content takes many different forms, and the lifecycle management processes must be adapted to address the varying content types, with the primary distinction between fixed and dynamic content, as shown in the table below
#informationlifecycle #ElectronicRecordsManagement #Records-Management #dispositionofelectronicrecords
(n = 37) Q8 Collaboration 30%; RM/Business Unit/Owner 16% These findings suggest that to make records disposition/deletion efficient and effective in enterprise content and records management systems, we need the ability to generate a workflow to enable a collaborative approval process
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The Records Management Application (RMA) as defined in days past is now an anachronism...The industry has transformed from Records Management to Information Governance
6 Comments - Many other vendors followed Open Text’s lead, and “integrated” records management processes became the norm for full spectrum software solutions
Although those words may scare some people, information lifecycle management doesn't necessarily equate to a lot of overhead. In fact, proper information lifecycle management should mean LESS overhead
It is only effective if you can apply it across all your document stores (ECM systems, Records management, Shared file drive, personal file drives, SharePoint, email servers, etc.)
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