Such investigations require 100% recall; i.e., users can not afford to miss any relevant information. In contrast, a user who uses a standard search engine to search the internet for background information simply requires any information as long as it is reliable
The better you apply information management principles, the easier this is. 3
Records management programs must manage organizational information so that it is timely, accurate, complete, cost-effective, accessible and useable. Better information, at the right time, makes better business
Last week, I attended a great conference focussed on eDiscovery, information management and legal technology
The information explosion we have seen in recent times will continue at the same rate indefinitely
Even though advanced information access technologies are available to help minimize these costs, many legal professionals do not yet have these tools in place, and for those that do, they are still confronted with the primary challenge to effectively managing e-discovery costs: the continued addiction throughout organizations to keeping and storing too much electronic data
For today’s companies, risks are in regulatory investigations and subsequent civil litigation related to export control, fraud, competition violations, bribery, privacy & data protection errors, human rights, , employee treatment, environmental damages, information security, intellectual property theft, etc
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The Dark Side of Big Data The ongoing information explosion is reaching epic proportions and has earned its own name: Big Data
Personally, I’m focused on capturing content and information without ever creating paper, so it’s jarring to suddenly have paper and chemicals and giant machines thrust back into reality
Enterprises have tremendous concerns about storing business data outside their own walls because it means relinquishing control – control of information, user access, authentication, and data exposure (whether intentional or accidental) of sensitive personally identifiable information, classified information, or otherwise non-compliant content
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