As any forecaster or planner will tell you, the mediated balance of supply and demand is a beautiful thing -- whether we're talking about just-in-time manufacturing or the happy marriage of content supply to knowledge demand
He is well known as a speaker about the role of knowledge strategy and knowledge services in organizational effectiveness
Clair, Knowledge Services Evangelist, Columbia University, is recognized as an expert adviser in KM/knowledge services and in building the organizational knowledge culture, with a special emphasis on knowledge strategy development. He is well known as a speaker about the role of knowledge strategy and knowledge services in organizational effectiveness. Building on his KM, knowledge services, and knowledge strategy development expertise and experience, Guy contributed to the creation of the Columbia University IKNS program, advising the university on curriculum development, marketing and industry outreach, and student enrollment management
Self-service transferring/cloning access – The ability to transfer permissions from one individual to another or give someone the same permissions as another user is a very common scenario. Self - service onboarding content – When containers get created, often there is content that already exists in file shares, on local drives, and in people’s My Sites that needs to be moved into the new container. Self - service change business contact – Typically a business contact might change during its life, either due to people changing roles and responsibilities or leaving the organization
My uncle unexpectedly passed away and I, along with my wife, accompanied my mother to the services. All in all it was a very fitting tribute to his life which included a career in the military highlighted by the Honors presented as part of the Memorial services
For years we intranet managers have shuffled with our heads down past the Google hit parade because our users can service their internal needs faster through Google than our internal systems
Consulting firms are now connecting search outcomes to a richer web experience of social networks, web services, and the evaluative merits of blogs and WIKIs?
We were pushing teams used to heavily customized, proprietary, and expensive platforms into one that was quick, dynamics, and relatively inexpensive (monthly service charge versus transaction-based)
The great thing about Managed Metadata Services ("MMS") is that it forms the speed-of-thought index that gets out in front of a user’s top-of-mind intuitions
Pull-in and make searchable in the one tool, relevant external resources: these could include subscriptions to industry analyst or research reports, trade periodicals and blogs, RSS news feeds, information services and even social media monitoring. 4
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