Without this established workflow , things don’t move as smoothly or as quickly. Ok, but will just any workflow do? I say the answer is no...Review accounts payable workflow best practices to improve upon what you are currently doing
They still get 50% of their vendor invoices on paper but also have to deal with email invoices, PDF downloads as well as Word, image, Excel and plain data files. Chasing approval using pieces of paper is hard enough, she said, but multiple formats make the problem more challenging than ever
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A lot of them have said that the workflow has gone from sometimes waiting days to retrieve records that were archived off site, to accessing the same files in two or three seconds — saving time, creating efficiency and improving customer service
Deploying a shared solution for the paperless capture of vendor data is one of FIT’s first priorities Today, Wide-Area Workflow the Department of Defense solution, is used by over 92,000 vendors submitting over 7 million invoices annually and saving taxpayers over $250,000 annually
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