I said before that I would continue the blog post on “ Why All RIM Professional Should Obtain the CIP,” and this is that continuation. Information creation and delivery is constantly changing and this creates new challenges for managing it. In the past records manager had to be concerned...
If you follow me on Twitter, which you probably don't since I don't even need all my toes and fingers to count me follower you know my twitter handle is info currency which is another way of saying information currency. When we typically think of currency we think of money, time,...
At Robeco Asset Management in The Netherlands we are looking at the future growth prospects of archiving and record management companies such as Iron Mountain. These companies store physical records, microfilms, audio/videotapes, x-rays but also computer tapes and hard drives for their clients....
There's a consensus on the fact any enterprise 2.0 project has to involve people from many fields in the company : HR, innovation, legal, IT, communication, even line managers and C-level people. Is anyone missing on this already well crowded boat ? I got part of the answer by a line manager...
Huh? Isn’t this blog about Web 2.o? Who does this guy think he is? All good questions…please allow me a moment to explain. No one reading this blog needs me to explain the benefits of Social Collaboration, the demand for enabling the workforce to become more self-sufficient...
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