It is easy to assume that access to massive amounts of information is good for society. Perhaps we should also look at the role the move to an Information Economy is having on the reversal of generations of movement towards greater social equality
"Where" it's Stored" - “Most ECM systems employ folder-based paradigms that are difficult to manage, resulting in inefficient searches, duplication of information and data loss, but businesses that leverage a dynamic content management approach benefit from a simpler and more precise "folder-less" approach for managing their information and processes. ” Slides: Ulrich Leuthner, Director Marketing, IBM, USA: " Leverage content to drive new insights and differentiated value" - “Smarter Content solutions enable leading organizations to harness new insights from unstructured information to create differentiated value. “ Slides: Richard Medina, Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, Doculabs, USA: "Workplace 2025: - The Reality TV Show" - “The successful mobile and social workplace in 2025 will: 1) have a baseline of adequacy in the new technologies, 2) have some solid mobile and social line-of-business applications (which I describe), and 3) will address the serious inefficiencies and risks of mobile and social. ” Slides: (3) “The Future of … the Information Society” Some short speeches warmed up for the panel discussion about the changes of our society
Social media and Internet search provides yet another splendid application if one wants to look at various aspects of information-based society. While working on a Web 2 app for looking up U.S
According to HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), the level of "meaningful use" is accomplished when the EHR (Electronic Health Records) solution/technology, has capabilities to e-prescribe, exchange electronic health information to improve the quality of care, the capacity to provide clinical decision support to support practitioner order entry, and ability to submit clinical quality measures - and other measures - as selected by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
We cannot ignore the fact that we live in an information society and that all of today’s workers are information or knowledge workers
Information Governance Turning full circle, I now perform a mash-up of “Governance” and “Information” and measure “Information Governance” against the HWL Governance model. 1. Society Society expects a corporation to maintain an accurate record of its operations and decisions for a reasonable time. 2
1 Comment - I can see where "Governance" has its place in society and even the management of corporate environments (as the HWL Governance Model addresses)... but it's a MAJOR STRETCH for me to see how organizations should buy into a concept of benefiting by using a 'governance model' to mange their information
To understand the opportunity that business, consumers and societies have today, we need to go right back to the industrial revolution
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