In our last post we outlined a process to help you arrive at the best metrics to track the success of your records management program...Two of these categories relate to the EDRMS itself, showing you how it is performing and how it is being used
Do you need to manage records in SharePoint?...There are a couple of important steps that need to happen before even opening SharePoint. First, you have to create a business classification scheme
2 Comments - Well, you can use Long Path Tool if you get any problems related to copying, renaming files, folders etc
The toys gave the kinesthetic learners something to do while absorbing the workshop content, and they also made a great ice breaker. Instead of retreating to their Blackberries, tablemates frequently spent breaks and downtime building castles, trains and rocket ships together
In this post we outline a four-step process to arriving at the right metrics...You are hoping to avoid these challenges by encouraging more staff to use the EDRMS for collaboration
The demand is now quite strong to deliver a mobile interface for an existing web site, or for a new one, and many companies are turning to more mobile-experienced providers to help them achieve their goals
The key to any retention schedule is: " what is the period before destruction?" or where do you look to find the legal and/or standard what?
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