I've been around long enough to see a couple familiar cycles when it comes to social. If you look back to the late 1990's, instant messaging (IM) was the hot social property, with organizations spending the next few years fighting end users over whether to lock down the public IM...
As more and more software and services companies roll out social tools and features, jumping onto the bandwagon of the move to the social organization, managers at every level are being asked to investigate social -- and find out how it can benefit the organization. For what it's worth, I...
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The signs are unmistakable. Tagging is how we keep our priorities straight and even how we define the contours of our online profiles. Labeling the buckets is finally out of the shadows. These are not closet organizers. These are our virtual neighbors who don’t manage information for a living....
“Gartner predicts by 2016, 20% of CIOs in regulated industries will lose their jobs for failing to implement the discipline of information governance successfully.” Houston, we have a metadata problem. And search is broken but when was it ever fixed? Tagging is the...
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Why are folders the new F word? It’s not because I promote disorganization. Quite the opposite. Folders only give you the perception of organization. Real organization happens with meta-data. In the below video blog I talk about why folders are bad. The key points are that folders...
Tagging is based on two units -- the link, which points to any page within the range of your security settings, and the tag, which names or labels the link. Taxonomies on the other hand answer to absolute values. Tags are self-evident and self-organizing. Taxonomies come with instructions,...
The lame duck Congress had just tackled an entire term's worth of legislation and I heard one pundit say "it's time to get out of the prediction business." It is amazing what a public shaming and self-preservation can accomplish together in such a short time. However, nothing fogs our crystal...
SharePoint 2010 had two new capabilities that can potentially increase the value of the documents being stored in the Document Libraries. Several months ago I wrote a Blog post titled: Do Search and Tag Clouds Replace the Need for a Taxonomy In that Blog I was focused on...
One of the most powerful means of filtering, sorting and searching information that has emerged as part of social computing is the use of “tags” to classify content of all types. Associating tags with content creates a set of metadata that is used to find content. This metadata...
Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend the AIIM Conference in Philadelphia to deliver a keynote on Thursday morning with my friend Ryan Duguid from Microsoft. At the end of our talk, we left the audience with a number of things we are thinking about. Provided below are some of the key ideas...
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