With labor costs at an all-time low and scanning technologies at an all time high, now is the ideal time to embark on that backfile scanning project you’ve had on the back burner. Backfile conversion , also called fileroom conversion or archive conversion, is the process of digitally scanning and indexing a repository of documents and then storing them in a searchable digital archive
Calculating the file size of a scanned image (uncompressed) Uncompressed file size = Resolution in dpi (horizontal ) x Resolution (vertical) x Height (inches) x width (inches) x color depth Example 1 - scanning an A4 page in 200 dpi in B&W = 200 x 200 x 8.27 x 11.69 x 1 = 3,867,052 bits = 483,381 bytes = 472 Kb Approximate size of an uncompressed A4 image scanned @ 200 dpi / B&W = 500 Kb / 0.5 Mb Example 2 - scanning an A4 page in 200 dpi in grayscale (8 bits / 256 shades of grey) = 200 x 200 x 8.27 x 11.69 x 8 bits = 3.68 Mb Grayscale image size = 8 times of B&W equivalent ==================================================================== 2. How the file size will change when the resolution is changed Example 1 - scanning an A4 page in 400 dpi in B&W = 400 x 400 x 8.27 x 11.69 x 1 = 15,468,208 bits = 1,933,526 bytes = 1,888 Kb Doubling the resolution will quadruple the file size ==================================================================== 3. Calculating the file size of a scanned image (compressed) Compressed file size = uncompressed file size x compression ratio Compression ratios (approx.) CCITTG3 (Group 3) = 1/10 CCITTG3 (Group 3) = 1/20 JPEG = 1/100 Example 1 - scanning an A4 page in 200 dpi in B&W and compressing with CCITT G3 compression = 472 Kb * (1/10) = Approx. 50 Kb Example 2 - scanning an A4 page in 200 dpi in B&W and compressing with CCITT G4 compression = 472 Kb * (1/20) = Approx. 25 Kb So assuming ideal conditions we should be able to get an A4 page scanned at 200 dpi, B&W in to a 25 Kb TIFF file
Sure, you can print to it, and it makes copies (hence the name), but how many truly use its scan functions for all they’re worth?
It really is as simple as that one word answer when it comes to the question of Document Scanning for your business
Keep Everything and 2. Scan Everything
Medical record holders should scan and index the doctor’s notes with all the related documents and link them to the patient’s accounting and billing record
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Sub-folders help break up the documents into manageable sized groups for easier visual scanning. For example, in an accounting department, a folder structure might look like the following: Accounts payable Fiscal year Vendor Accounts receivable Fiscal year Customer And so on… When we put ourselves in the shoes of users, you can imagine scenarios in which this structure works very well
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