To help users find the documents they are looking for, many organizations will develop a hierarchical folder structure. Most of us would be familiar with this approach, in which records might be organized into folders by department, by year, by client, etc. Sub-folders help break up the documents into manageable sized groups for easier visual scanning
The most effective way to accomplish this is to implement a file tracking system designed to account for all actions: folder pull, delivery, folder check-in, document preparation, scanning, quality assurance testing, re-processing, indexing/exporting/OCR, auditing, folder check-out and in-process check-out
That is, a paper document filed as a record would look the same to anyone who pulled it out of the file. If two people look at that piece of paper they read the same words, the salutation is the same, the notary seal is equally visible, and so forth. Whether the file is considered complete or not, what is in the folder appears the same to everyone with physical access to that folder
I remember frantically trying to get the administrative staff at my father’s primary oncologist to provide copies of the files he requested. With all the red tape and backlog of work at the primary doctor’s office, they just couldn’t get it done fast enough
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Plan to spend the next year determining current folder structures, MOSS 2007 folder structures, migrating to SharePoint 2010 capabilities, mapping out metadata and folksonomies—this is DELICIOUS stuff
Is it nice, for example, to be able to classify an email and all four of its attachments into different categories across the file plan, each with its own unique set of metadata and each with a link to the email and the other attachments?
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While there is a lot of freely available information online related to electronic document naming conventions, most (if not all) of these best practices and guidelines come from educational institutions, governments, records and information management organizations, and other non-profit/public...
Digital signature systems from my company and others support these standards for both signing XML data and verifying a signed XML data file. Using these standards to sign XML data produces a single file that includes both the data and the digital signature or signatures. Since the signed XML data file is still an XML file, its data can easily be read by software applications and used for further processing, reporting, etc
Otherwise, we can no longer write documents for ourselves, open our own filing cabinets, take out the trash, or make our own phone calls to communicate with associates
The positives: this method counts on the participation of the audience it spurs wonderful debate colleagues view Records competencies differently The negatives: not everyone would know their architectural locations some colleagues don’t want to share too much it works well with folder classification; less well with metadata I find it very easy to transform my fractal into a qualitative report for management
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