It has recently become clear that a new breed of early case assessment (ECA) is emerging...I’ll call this scenario ”Quantitative Early Case Assessment&rdquo
In the last couple of months, I have seen many different definitions of Early Case Assessment (ECA). Some vendors mold the concept of Early Case Assessment to support their own offerings--which isn’t surprising, but it does cloud the issue
The graphic below chunks up the EDRM into some typical bigger pieces, adds a box for “E-D Process Management”, and indicates whether each is more associated with risk, cost, or both: As you can see, The activities most relevant to risk are Information Management (IM), the Left Side (Identification, Preservation, Collection – or IPC), and Process Management The activities relevant to both risk and cost are IM, IPC, and Early Case Assessment (one example of Process Management) The activities that primarily only address cost are the Right Side (Processing, Analysis, Review – or PAR) and Production & Presentation (PP) We get a first cut at a roadmap by taking the above analysis and factoring in what it takes to get an effective impact (primarily time, effort, and money)
What we have seen in many cases is that the bill one can expect to receive for the legal review from an external law firm is often proportional with the amount of documents that are handed over in an eDiscovery process
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