Is Shared Services for capture making a comeback?...Has anyone else noticed that the term Shared Services seems to be finding its way back into our capture vocabulary lately?
The service bureau will pick up your backfile documents/boxes and scan them at their facility. The boxes could be returned to you for post-scanning actions, or kept by the service bureau and destroyed according to your records management program
Business users just want their scanning solutions to solve their problems."...Capturing more dots per inch at scan time gives your scanning solution the greatest chance of automation success
Many large organizations, and some forward-thinking smaller ones, require their document scanning service provider have a SOC 2 Type 2 Report
When you think about it we are all the Scan Man these days, with the capability to capture information anywhere at any time
Moreover, once the backfile scanning has been completed, your on-going scanning needs may be small when compared to the daily backfile conversion volume
I just got back from visiting with a couple large EMC customers, and one topic we discussed was the concept of building a shared services model to support their use of document capture
An intelligent approach to document scanning will utilize both personal education and vendors that specialize in document imaging services and document management software
The concept of remote scanning is not new. The implementation of the concept is morphing...The new model of remote scanning is what I call distributed scanning...The Future of Distributed Scanning The future will be hosted
Capture Process 1 is for a Government Services Agency and Capture Process 2 is for a Retail Financial Services Company...So, let’s take a closer look at the business services in both cases
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