I wondered what you guys think of digital signing of documentation. Is it helpful for a low cost centre in , say Asia, to produce and sign off designs which are approved/signed in London using digital signatures
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Signing with a digital signature is like… I had a good time at the European SharePoint conference in Barcelona a couple of weeks ago and hope that you all have a chance to visit there someday
How to sign data Two techniques are commonly used to sign data. In both cases, you have the digital signature guarantee that the signed data has not been changed and assurance of who signed it
Next, the signing ceremony. It will actually be a double ceremony: First the external signer will sign
In my last column , I discussed how your customers, clients, and similar signers can sign documents in the presence of your staff member
And a related question: “Once a document is digitally signed, can the signature be revoked?...If a digital signature is valid at the time the document was signed, then it remains valid forever
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In other words, what is the best way to digitally sign documents from mobile devices, tablets, and web browsers?...But people want (and need) to sign on the go. Mobile phones and tablets typically don’t support Smart Card readers
Since the laws and courts (US and International) accept digital signatures you should feel comfortable to both digitally sign documents and to accept digitally signed documents
After all, you were the person who “signed” it. But there are lots of downsides: you’re not protected against someone changing the document after you’ve signed it, and recipients are not protected from your claim that someone changed the document after you signed, nor from your claim that it wasn’t you who signed the document
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