The process by which organizations catalog their information is known as data mapping. The above quote is from the heading of an AIIM article on Data Mapping ( ). In this particular case, PG&E may have lessened the impact of records issues and they may been better able to demonstrate the complex requirements for producing records by demonstrating via a data map where documents and data reside within their company. Data Mapping is defined, in the above article, as “A data map is a listing of the organization’s ESI by category, location, and custodian or steward, including how it is stored, its accessibility, and associated retention policies and procedures
This visual provides you with the shortest or most scenic route for information workflows. The trick is mapping out in front of the customer how the deontic style illustrates a potential electronic records management object structure
Records Retention Schedule – covering all documented information content, described in "functional" buckets Data mapping - identifying content in specific systems/repositories and mapping to retention schedule Business unit management level and administrative support level liaisons Policies, standards and procedures based on legal and business requirements, standards, industry best practices, etc
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There have been a handful of other incidents like this I have personally seen or been engaged by a client to assist in resolving has led to some of my more cautious or sometimes “dooms day” like questions at times during road mapping and architectural design session for some of EPC Group’s global clients
I think the term “Field Mapping” most accurately describes this integration of Data Capture technology with Electronic Information Systems
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Departments and their relevant archives could include, for example, Sales (contracts, customer contact files, quotes), Management (board minutes and notes, legal agreements, quality control), Finance (accounts payable, accounting, correspondence files with various external contact), and on down the departmental lists. After mapping out the departments and relevant archives, define the documents that must be retained in each archive (paper, electronic and e-mail), as well as who has the appropriate access rights, the location of the archive (physical or network based), the responsible officer, and the retention and destruction rules
Organisations need to design a governance model that transparently joins the dots: The business needs to describe the information entities, based on their value and utility, mapping them to the asset, system and application descriptions that IT understands
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