Many companies rely on a combination of automatic pattern recognition technology and manual data processing. Even with automated forms processing, bad data can get through. And accuracy levels for automated recognition have been under criticism since the technology was first introduced....
The problem is lost productivity and user frustration around populating data into Line of Business applications via Manual Data Entry versus Automation
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Instead of having large staff to manage compliance, they can dedicate computer time to do the data-entry work on documents having compliance risk, and a small staff to maintain their presence
However, Michael raises an interesting counterpoint earlier in his post with the fact that human data entry becomes laborious and typically leads to increased errors as the data entry carries on. With human data entry, you not only need an operator to validate data, but you are also paying the individuals that manually enter the error-riddled data to begin with
For the last 13 years, I have learned there are no shortcuts to indexing large format drawings. I have heard stories about utility companies outsourcing an imaging project where they scan and index a large volume of drawings. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how to define their...
Is your SaaS value proposition convincing enough without automatic data entry? Imagine you’ve just created the next ‘killer’ Software as a Service (SaaS) app and you are absolutely convinced your new software service is going to revolutionize a particular industry or solve a significant pain point for organizations all over the world
Second, sharing resources and ‘renting’ a cloud service such as ‘Cloud Capture’ reduces the barrier to entry. No longer is it the case where the upfront cost to implementing Data Capture should be an issue
If you are in need of a reminder, these are just some of the services that can be provided to you: Store and manage paper files and boxes including certified paper destruction when requested Document scanning/capture of virtually any size paper document or microfilm Improve image quality of deteriorating documents – saving documents after a disaster has struck and be an important step to recovery and restarting your business Conversion of the document image to a PDF or other formats as specified such as JPG Data extraction and upload to your back-end processes Data Entry OCR/ICR/Marksense Forms Recognition Indexing with your designated metadata/taxonomy Full-text conversion of large documents like contracts Redaction of data on the image such as a SSN or other PII Upload index data and image files to your system for search and retrieval Automate processes via workflow – such as an accounts payable process Store and host all of your electronic data Provide disaster recovery services Professional services/consulting to help you better understand how to make the best use of their services and your processes Be there to help your business work faster and be more productive – these companies like a challenge What kind of documents and information do they handle?
The cost of manual data entry is $5 per form and they process 100,000 forms per year
Included were business processes like invoice processing, money transactions, and order entry, among others. You can get all of the details by looking at my presentation here: TAWPI Mobile Forms Processing Presentation After my session, I was able to connect with a few industry experts from various companies and organizations, including A2iA , AIIM , AnyDoc , BancTec , Ephesoft , Gimmal , IBML , Kofax , Opex , and Parascript , as well as attend some fantastic presentations and roundtables
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