I’ve been fascinated by the fact that when I’m online, I can pretty much discover and learn about anything. Get details about what my friends are up to? Check. Browse an extensive encyclopedia with information about everything that’s ever happened? Check. Why then, is...
1 Comment - I was sitting in a Birds of a Feather community session on "Innovations in Big Data" at TechEd in Orlando earlier this year and thought it funny that almost nobody in the room had anything to share as far as innovative solutions -- and yet people were practically frothing for best practices and success stories. One major takeaway from that sessions is that companies just don't know yet what is possible with the data that can be collected -- and many companies, realizing that they don't know what they don't know, are making sure they are capturing all the data they can, storing is for future use
What I do care about is being at least as diligent about selecting partners as you are about selecting technology and service providers; I want partners that are every bit as invested in your success as I am. I want you, me, and the partners to be a triumvirate. If I really want a shot at success, I have to make sure that you succeed, regardless if you engage me directly or not
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And crucial to their success is the inclusion of experts in the field of structured data retention
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