The first step is to distinguish between the different uses of forms, data capture vs. outbound communications – each of which can have static or dynamic applications
The consumer creates an online profile and adds their communications preferences – such as whether they want an email or text notification when their bill is due, whether they want to receive promotional offers, and whether they agree to allow the supplier to suppress paper-based communications
One growing area of customer communications management (CCM) is the functionality to provide alerts and notifications: the ability for an organization to provide timely or urgent messages to its customers and agents
Essentially, profiles and preferences are the amalgamation of user-supplied and system-generated data that is used in the management of electronic communications between a supplier and its customers
To only use these channels for outbound communication, or for inbound communications limited to marketing, is a wasted opportunity
The “feel” component consists of social media subject matter experts, digital content creators, and customer engagement specialists, who continually maintain communications to facilitate the buying journey
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