The average mobile worker carries 3.5 portable devices and only 10 percent of organizations are fully aware of which devices are accessing their networks, according to additional industry research findings
Increasingly, users are asking for access to content repositories from mobile devices, such as phones and iPads...How big a requirement is mobile access in your organization?
The fact that 25% of those polled mostly use their smartphones to go online is interesting but the point that really caught my attention was that 87% of smartphone users use their smartphone to access the internet and/or email which is where I fall in these statistics, especially when traveling
Making large numbers of manuals or even an entire corporate library available for offline access on mobile devices is not as easy as it sounds
Here’s my top 10 SharePoint automation list: Self-service granting/removing access – The most common task a container will go through is the granting of permissions and removing of permissions to that container so users can be part of the collaboration. Self-service transferring/cloning access – The ability to transfer permissions from one individual to another or give someone the same permissions as another user is a very common scenario
Now that anyone can create content through a variety of easy-to-access software apps, publish the content without the hassle of reviews, and present the information to multiple applications and "channels" in real-time, organizations and businesses are caught in an unfortunate arms race of attempting to reclaim control, while their own staff find new and interesting ways around that control
Accustomed to unconstrained access to the likes of Facebook, Skype, LinkedIn and various other applications, Digital Natives are entering a whole new world where the IT department rules
It's a celebration of free and open access to educational tools and platforms, reducing the barriers to ongoing learning. "Open education is about sharing, reducing barriers and increasing access in education. It includes free and open access to platforms, tools and resources in education....Open education seeks to create a world in which the desire to learn is fully met by the opportunity to do so
This approach presents many appealing benefits – e.g. no need to move content – but accessing the applications will still require re-writing to query the new “parent” database. In addition, access controls can become tricky, as in many cases documents users shouldn’t even be able to see that a document exists, much less get access to it
We are changing our internal collaboration paradigm (sorry for using this word again) from a structured to an unstructured model -- but I believe that we'll ultimately need to have more of a hub-and-spoke model, with vast social collaboration hubs or networks that can plug into, or access information within numerous content spokes, each with varying regulatory, compliance, and permissions-based controls. What we need to do now is to keep our heads, and be aware of the requirements that surround each piece of content (which might be different depending on content type, system of record, or business unit) and how they should be accessed, viewed, edited, shared, secured, retained, or removed by members of your social collaboration network
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