It allows you to select the most appropriate department – or business application, or regional office, or whatever works for you – to essentially pilot the move. This first foray will allow the organization to understand what it means to move to the cloud, from a number of perspectives – including financial, technical, user training and staff perceptions
Below are five key areas and suggestions to help you get started. Establish a Pilot System . Depending on your company size and type of business, cloud information management (CIM) systems everything from single departmental functional solutions to corporate-wide solutions
Reviewing Non-SharePoint Cloud Successes and the History Behind Recent Cloud Pushes \ Mandates Several years ago, EPC Group was engaged with NASA around their enterprise SharePoint efforts and I had the opportunity to work closely with then NASA CIO Chris Kemp who led an extremely successful effort around NASA Ames “Nebula Cloud Computing Pilot” for which he spearheaded. The goal of the “Nebula Could Computing Pilot” project was to leverage the web as platform and take the lead in open, transparent and participatory space exploration and government
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