What do New Years Resolutions have in common with the more open-ended promises in your 2014 ECM budget? For starters there's that sloppy cultural workplace setting filed under "Change Management." The subtext? Rebrand "the change" as "the way things should have been...
The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
Our fiscal year-end is November 30 so it is budget time for us. It was five short years ago that we were considering SharePoint to be a “free” solution. We brought our first SharePoint server up on a cheap server, running against the on-board SQL Server instance and we were probably missing a...
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