At my company, we refer to them as “scan on-demand” and “just-in-time scanning
I get asked all the time by users in my organization about how to scan paper. This usually includes identifying a system to scan into, how to index, how to QA, and more...So you get a 23% increase in speed by scanning landscape
Moreover, once the backfile scanning has been completed, your on-going scanning needs may be small when compared to the daily backfile conversion volume
Our business specializes in outsourced scanning and backfile conversion projects and considers three levels of safety and security when it comes to sensitive records like EHR
With labor costs at an all-time low and scanning technologies at an all time high, now is the ideal time to embark on that backfile scanning project you’ve had on the back burner. Backfile conversion , also called fileroom conversion or archive conversion, is the process of digitally scanning and indexing a repository of documents and then storing them in a searchable digital archive
Still, many systems vendors routinely present the process of scanning and capturing patient charts as a simple DIY project
These jobs entail the vendor bringing scanning equipment and staff to the client’s facility and performing the same backfile conversion there
Sure, you can print to it, and it makes copies (hence the name), but how many truly use its scan functions for all they’re worth?
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