Security & Identity Management "From the Consulting Trenches" There are a number of security, identity management and authentication considerations when developing custom applications and related features in SharePoint 2013, Office 365, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Azure
You can find more detailed highlights of the event on the Chapter website but I want to focus on a few things that cross the line between security and information management and I’d be remiss in one of my duties if I didn’t hype the Chapter network again
When and if a breach occurs, this team will spring into action to assess the gravity of the breach, gather the financial and logistical resources necessary to respond, and act as a central point of communication and coordination between executive management and boots-on-the-ground responders
There is even frustration being felt when every part of access management seems perfect, but a breach still occurs. Traditional thinking and SharePoint itself focuses very much on the role of identity and access management solutions in securing your SharePoint environment
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