Security Governance Best Practices for SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 | SharePoint Online EPC Group understands that security has never been a hotter topic in IT, but in most cases, even though it is being discussed by members of the organization and dominates a good deal of technology news coverage, it is still often not properly addressed in many SharePoint deployments. In many SharePoint deployments, the organization’s Active Directory (AD) deployment may have a good deal of duplication, custom groups, or old and expired information that have been created and stored over many years. Implementing a best practices SharePoint security strategy requires in-depth planning and knowledge of the overall information architecture (IA) design as well as an understanding and awareness of the capabilities available
Below is a list of some best practices that will ensure true security of your SharePoint data: Content needs to be monitored in both real time and on a schedule, using rule based automated processes in such a way as to provide systematic protection of information
1 Comment - Best practices for Blob cache :
The "need to know" principle means that if someone needs information to do their job, they will have access to it. The best thing about an information management system is the power of ad hoc information discovery
You should always keep in mind SharePoint 2013’s “claims first” authentication architecture during your development as well as in discussions with the business about their custom requirements
UAE recently signed the MoU to adopt Federal Enterprise Architecture . Would Middle East see an immediate change in management as the demand for governance increases?
But the integrity of a business is compromised if its most sensitive documents are stolen or tampered with. Best Practices to Prevent Document Leaks For companies to protect themselves, they must establish a framework whereby business users can perform their jobs without worrisome distraction. IT departments can do this by developing a document compliance management strategy that addresses security policies to systematically protect information shared with external parties. Applying best practices for document compliance is balancing act. Following these tactics can lessen the challenge: · Risk-rank all business processes involving flow of information outside the organization to identify threats · Define security policies for all types of documents, along with the roles and privileges of each group of users in relation to all types of documents · Ensure that SLAs support contractual agreements and certification requirements · Support the organization’s audit, security and compliance standards · Provide two-factor authentication to guard against password fraud · Separate content ownership and platform administration · Produce audit trails of all document accesses Following these best practices makes good business sense because if sensitive documents become public, the business loses the trust of all constituents and damages its reputation
I work with many organizations with SharePoint intranet sites that are simply a MESS! Yes, that's you and your intranet! Admit it -- your intranet sites look like they were built in 1999 with big fonts, bigger graphics, static and outdated links & content, and absolutely no...
Here we look at the challenges you will face managing security and permissions within SharePoint and discuss why you should make it a key element of your Information Architecture plan. Managing Security In SharePoint 2010 Managing access to information stored in SharePoint can be done at a number of levels
Note: EPC Group's Hybrid Cloud Advisory Practice was created out of these very needs for organization's to get real-world and best practices guidance tailored to their exact needs and business vertical
Private clouds can greatly help organizations maintain a fair degree of control over standards and best practices for mobile users, while still making it possible to have data “live anywhere.”
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