Under System Administration: tasks, documentation, policies like disaster recovery, hardware and change management Portal Administration: the same, but instead of geographic locations, the appropriate way to document releases and upgrades are discussed And content management appears under the extranet. Application usage skirts information management and concludes with an open call for volunteers to be SharePoint administrators (!): Site provisioning Site management Storage quotas Document management Content management For inspiration, I turned to my own library of SharePoint 2007 manuals that I bought beginning that year
The mandate came early from President Obama and was soon followed by another mandate regarding the reporting of information breaches with respect to patient records
Information management within many (if not most) organizations has emerged from a series of point solutions deployed to individual departments, often on different platforms
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The better you apply information management principles, the easier this is. 3...Proper Knowledge Management is only possible if you have organized and cleaned up all your information
2020: 35 million Zettabyte information available (1.2 Zettabyte in 2010), that means a lot!
In honour of Canada Day today (and yes, "honour" is spelled with a "u"), I thought I would share the significant contribution Canadians have made to the information and records management industry
And my stand is this: I believe we shouldn't give up on the information lifecycle
An Electronic Records Management (ERM) Program should typically form part of a broader enterprise-wide Records and Information Management (RIM) Program in an organization that includes management records of all media (hard-copy, electronic) enterprise-wide. A RIM governance structure should have a senior management owner or “champion” (depending upon how defined in the organization) as well as the head of the RIM function
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Upcoming deadlines to comply with the 2012 Managing Government Records Directive and growing eDiscovery demands, along with the accelerated pace of new technology adoption are changing the records management landscape and bringing together records managers, legal and IT in a transition towards a broader Information Governance (IG) strategy that integrates records management and eDiscovery processes
Despite being a proponent of managing and storing records in electronic format (most of the time), I am continually amazed at the solid entrenchment of paper as an information creation, storage, and management media
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