The Records Management Application (RMA) as defined in days past is now an anachronism...Content must be governed from the time it is created, captured or ingested. ALL content must be governed, not just declared records
6 Comments - I fully agree that CLM is the way things are headed, but I question how quickly we'll actually get there
Regardless of your route, you’ve reached the point where you already know certain truths about ERM. For example, technology by itself is not the answer; to make ERM actually work requires building blocks: policies, retention rules, procedures, training, and audit
Only limited work has been done to connect the two products but given that the acquisition happened barely six months ago I'll cut Microsoft some slack here. Microsoft is seeing the same trend AIIM is seeing and is trying to get ahead of it
5 Comments - Hi Rich, I agree 100%. My guess is that IT tends to want to find a technology to solve every problem...
Many folks in the ECM and RM industries use the term "Content" to describe what is being managed by our automated systems
The challenge with these systems is to adapt to rapidly changing technology and new market drivers...Having said all that, successful solutions are not based on technology alone
1 Comment - It might say: "Information Governance is applied when content is created, captured or ingested, making RM part of the DNA of business applications."
Of course the big show I refer to in this instance is none other than SharePoint Conference 2014 (SPC 2014)...More so, SharePoint is a platform for Cloud, social, mobile and big data
3 Comments - Some users like it, but most try to stay away from it if at all possible, which I think is a shame. Given all this, what are your thoughts on getting more people to use SharePoint?
This includes electronic content, regardless of media. Email is the largest type of electronic content that is requested in eDiscovery. Instant messages, voice mail, copies, drafts, personal correspondence, and so on are all discoverable. Therefore, it does not matter if your organization has declared “official” records, all content whether declared or not is discoverable
This question usually comes up in the context of a frustrated practitioner who is having a difficult time getting traction for their ECM program or from business users how are frustrated at being told by IT, RM or someone else that they need to manage their information in a certain way that may not be immediately intuitive to them, or does not support their business processes
With the usual disclaimer that views expressed here are my own, and not those of my employer or of the government agency with which we are engaged, I want to share my current thoughts on this
Some of the thinking thrown around is that people can store whatever they want and they can find it whenever they need to with search
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