While few companies have yet to embrace Project Server, many companies have built out their own project management utilities on the platform, and gravitated toward the out of the box templates in SharePoint 2010 (I expect to see big improvements here in the next version of SharePoint, if not through partner solutions)
It is more difficult to load test the back end of the system or the content server and database side of an ECM environment whereas it is relatively easy to set up a Web-based UI tester like LoadRunner to pound on the user interface. Testing the user interface is one thing but to test it with a representative repository behind it is quite another because the user interface is making the same requests to the back end servers but to databases with millions or billions of rows instead of thousands
Instead of deciding whether you would prefer a lightning-fast server to work out with your web hosting or databases, you can just have access to high-end services designed to work in a distributed resource environment
Just as our economy moved from an agricultural to an industrial market, and from industrial to an information-based marketing, within the world of the Information Worker this increase in productivity is allowing organizations to move from a hardware-centric view (where IT pulls cables, stands up servers, maintains those servers) to a business intelligence and decision support view
Unfortunately, and where the main difficulty lies, is the proper understanding that a server-side solution doesn’t evolve the same way as a desktop or mobile application
If your company has decided to put SharePoint 2010 on SQL 2005 servers, for example, you’ll have to include some compatibility patches, too
Custom Site Templates Let’s Get Into Dissecting a Successful Engagement and the Method to EPC Group’s Project Methodologies Project Initiation and Planning - Initiation and Definition Activities Once the EPC Group sales and consulting staff has worked with our clients to scope and build the overall proposal and the project has been won, it is time for the Project Management Office (PMO) to start engaging as well as planning the details such as: · Create Work Breakdown Structure · Perform Resource planning · Create Project Schedule · Preparing the Budget · Conduct Schedule Review The EPC Group team now develops the supporting plan definition activities and Project Initiation activities such as the: · Communication and Controlling Procedures · Compile and inspect Project Definition Document · Review and Approve Project Definition Document EPC Group then rolls into our project kickoff sessions \ Preparing for Kickoff Conduct Project Review and Kickoff Processes · Implement EPC Group’s Project Control Documents and our internal Project Server 2010 environment · Kicking of Requirements Gathering o Conduct Initial Requirements Gathering Sessions and Determine Audience o Content Sessions o Conduct Content Requirement Session · Services Sessions o Conduct Services Requirement Session · Equipment Sessions · Conduct Global Equipment Requirement Session · People Sessions · Conduct People Requirement Session · Conduct Global People Requirement Session · Backend Application · Conduct Backend Application Investigation · Steering Committee Sessions · Conduct Steering Committee Member Interviews · Develop Requirements Document · Conduct Requirements Document Review and Apply Updates · Requirements Document Complete Obtain Requirements Document Client Sign Off Requirements Phase End Review Conduct Phase End Assessment - Requirement s Phase End Review Complete Onsite Reviews Conduct 1st - Onsite Review Planning Session Development Environment SharePoint - ORDER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE COMPLETE SharePoint - HARDWARE & SOFTWARE RECEIVED SharePoint - STAGE HARDWARE & SOFTWARE COMPLETE - Provide SharePoint team support in Development Configuration - Provide complete knowledge transfer sessions, build documents, etc
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The first phase includes installation of the enterprise infrastructure, including servers, database, storage, network, backup and disaster recovery components, scanners and user workstations with the requisite large monitors (note: 22” widescreen LCD monitors are under $300 today)
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