At the December Executive Leadership Council (ELC) gathering in Fort Lauderdale, Florida last month, we tackled the subject of mobility, and its growing importance in a world that is trending #BYOD, #ConsumerizationOfIT, and #AppModel (hashtags added for dramatic effect). Mobile...
"In the past, the only things that companies were really measuring were transactional purchase data. And they were only measuring it from the consumers. But now you have all this other data. Every time somebody shares a link, posts a Facebook status update, buys a video, all that kind of...
Every now and then you get smacked in the face with the reality stick and reminded of the fact that when it comes to contributing to an effort, most people are asking the title question. I’m not sure which recent even has me thinking about this, nor does it matter, but I am sure that when you’re...
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The recent running of the 114th Boston Marathon sparked thinking about the conditions of "flow" as manifested in sport that Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi so often refers to in his seminal work, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience . Five conditions of flow: • ...
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