Proper Knowledge Management is only possible if you have organized and cleaned up all your information
The majority of commonly-used search tools are built to retrieve only the most popular hits—which simply doesn’t meet the demands of exploratory legal or investigative search or for more advanced tasks such as document classification for eDiscovery, Legacy Information Clean-up or Enterprise Information Archiving
Therefore when considering a legacy data clean up, creating a filing plan is a good starting point
Although storing 250GB of data can cost less than $250, hiring an external firm to process and review this data for e-discovery can cost up to $1 million
The Dark Side of Big Data The ongoing information explosion is reaching epic proportions and has earned its own name: Big Data . Big Data encompasses both challenges and opportunities
1 Comment - We are seeing an increase in businesses seeking specialized skills to help address challenges that arose with the era of big data. The HPCC Systems platform from LexisNexis helps to fill this gap by allowing data analysts themselves to own the complete data lifecycle. Designed by data scientists, ECL is a declarative programming language used to express data algorithms across the entire HPCC platform. Their built-in analytics libraries for Machine Learning and BI integration provide a complete integrated solution from data ingestion and data processing to data delivery
In the following graph, the impact on early legacy data clean-up is shown. From the graph, it is very clear, that the earlier one starts deleting irrelevant data, the more one benefits (exponentially) from these efforts! So, in time, legacy data clean-up pays itself back with an exponential return of investment!
#legal #IT #e-discovery #ElectronicRecordsManagement #SharePoint #LegacyInformationClean-up #IntelligentInformationGovernance #compliance
In additional, in such a case all electronic data under your custody will become part of the investigations or litigations. The more data your have, the higher the cost. This is what we call the Dark Side of you Big Data! For this reason, risk analysis programs should also include the assessment of the quantity and broad content of legacy data
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
Enterprises have tremendous concerns about storing business data outside their own walls because it means relinquishing control – control of information, user access, authentication, and data exposure (whether intentional or accidental) of sensitive personally identifiable information, classified information, or otherwise non-compliant content. So you accidentally let someone take a peek at the wrong data – how much harm can that data breach possibly do?
It was awesome to meet many of you in person, and to catch up with old friends. Note – the rumors of industry revolution and overthrow are only slightly exaggerated
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