Many corporations have small cubicles, bad infrastructure, and demanding supervisors, which often leads to unmotivated and stressed employees. Below are some funny (and sad) videos that document very well the implications of an old Enterprise 1.0 environment. Check out the new Enterprise 2.0 ...
You’ve seen this kind of post before. Most recently, by Rob Gray when he said that most in this community build “systems of control” when we should be building “systems of engagement.” Oscar Berg echoed that: we’re not designing systems for easy adoption...
We cannot ignore the fact that we live in an information society and that all of today’s workers are information or knowledge workers
So how do you engage workers to understand how information security policies relate to data standards?
Provisioning Today’s Information Worker Ted Schadler Vice President, Principal Analyst, and Co-author of Empowered Forrester Research Wednesday, March 21. 9:00 AM [Click here for the details of Ted's keynote.] BD: So what do workers liberated from their cube farm need to be able to work from a hardware perspective?
Particularly, knowledge workers need to increase their learning and obtain targeted certifications demonstrating aptitude for “teachability&rdquo
The reporter begins her article with this stat: "Information workers, who comprise about 63% of the U.S. work force, are each bombarded with 1.6 gigabytes of information on average every day through emails, reports, blogs, text messages, calls and more, according to preliminary data from a report coming later this year, an update of the 2003 "How Much Information?
We call this information overload and have all read the stats on the hidden costs and wasted productivity because knowledge workers spend too much time looking for information
So it’s not a problem to get at it…unless: you don’t have an ERP login; you can login but you don’t have permissions; the user interface is difficult or you aren’t trained; you don’t have remote or mobile access to ERP; you want to search across content from more than one system; you need to make it available to others outside the organization; you need to set a uniform retention period; you need to run e-discovery on it… Of course, providing information workers with ready access to the documents and content that they need to do their job is a given – in fact in the survey we ran, 71% of respondents consider ready access to documents to be “vital” to staff productivity and effectiveness
Companies create and receive information in different ways. Workers use and review information differently
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