IT needs to find a way to apply centrally-defined security policies without any effort or awareness by users. Automated policy application in a transparent security environment keeps workers happy since it allows them to focus on getting their work done without thinking about security. Automating security policies also removes Big Brother-like obstacles to the collaboration that companies need to remain competitive and ensures policies are consistently applied
I bring this up because Cisco just released the latest installment of its Connected World Technology Report , which found that Millennials don’t really care about computer security and are prone to ignoring IT policies. According to the survey, roughly 61% percent of young employees believe that security “is not really their responsibility: They want to work hard, from home or the office, using social networks and cloud applications to get the job done, while someone else builds seamless security into their interactions
RIM must provide governance, policy, and rules to determine if information is business records or convenience information. RIM must comply with requirements for external and internal reporting and ensure data is retained and destroyed in a controlled manner, in compliance with company policy. IT is charged with keeping systems and the information they produce available to business units
More and more cloud vendors are coming online, so it is impossible to create a policy to block them all. If you have your own cloud space then you only have one cloud to worry about auditing and having policies in place for instead of a sprawling untamable frontier of content that is impossible to police
Less than five hours after I mentioned it in a meeting, an exec from one of the stakeholder groups got a call from security stating that her team was violating policy by using Dropbox
An ever-growing volume of unclassified content, means that records cannot be correctly identified, disposition schedules cannot be executed consistently and policies remain on a binder on the shelf (or in a PDF file somewhere on the intranet)
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It includes the processes, roles and policies, standards and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals
It was never realistic to assume that knowledge workers would assist in manually classifying documents according to a complex records retention schedule, and it is equally unrealistic to assume that we will manage the fire hose of data and unstructured ephemeral social content with the same degree of records rigor that we applied to retaining a life insurance policy for the life of the policy holder."
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With the consumerization of IT information might be created and stored in formats never used before so it is important to know how the BYOD policy is meeting their needs and ensuring they are not bypassing security policies by using public cloud sources for collaboration
So, sure, there might be a bit of lag time between the “aha” moment and the implementation of a new technology, but it’s in that pause that the professionals are formulating the overarching strategy, including the policies, procedures and practices that will channel the technology’s power to the organization’s desired effect
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