When a system “fails” after several years, there is no accountability and rather than understand and correct the failure, a company is more likely to buy a “new and better” technology and the cycle repeats
Email: Bob Larrivee – AIIM blarrivee@aiim.org Follow me on twitter – BobLarrivee www.aiim.org/training #communication #ERM #wiki #Do-It-Yourself #innovation #communities #web2.0 #failure #blog #sharedworkspaces #changemanagement #Collaboration #e2.0 #DIY
Unsafe document sharing can result in failures to meet contractual or regulatory obligations due to the loss of information entrusted by partners or other stakeholders
The problem has been that by the time we deemed something worthy, enticed a few bold end-users and convinced upper management, the cool thing had been eclipsed in the marketplace – more IT failure. People have changed, and now we have the opportunity to say “ yeah, we can hook that up to our network ” to the CEO when he brings his Christmas present to work on January 3 rd
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If we do not provide it for them, then we are fooling ourselves if we think we can outsmart them and prevent compliance failures and other risks by trying to rope off all access to information
That's because the queries are not document-based but business-focused with the value proposition flat out there in the pursuit of the outcome: * Modeling risk and failure prediction * Analyzing customer churn * Web recommendations to consumers * Web and ad targeting (search optimization) * Point of sale transaction analysis * Threat analysis * Regulatory compliance The new math is not about search results or the intrinsic value of an isolated document or webpage
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