A very good project manager requires thorough and effective skills so that you can execute their tasks effectively, but there are many areas you can particularly pay attention to further improve your skill to undertake your duties. One of the many qualities of a project manager would be...
The business market is dependent on understanding and increasing, but active engagement is very important to draw the harvest. Discovering and fixing the issues that arise within and outside of the corporation is vital to uplift business productivity. If you are considering transform your...
Worldwide, different firms large and small bet enormously upon ISO 9001 to help you them to keep on top of external high quality product requirements. ISO 9001 will be the general banner for functioning top notch business methods and excellent supervision techniques. Hundreds and maybe thousands...
It seems that the Records and Information Management profession faces an annual need to justify its very existence. Lucky for RIM practitioners, the profession will continue to grow and have “legs” for many years to come. Here are 5 things that YOU as a Records Professional can do to...
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From May 21 through 25 the delegates assembled for PDF Week, this time in the context of a full ISO TC 171 meeting. The meetings were held a conference facility owned (and kindly donated for the purpose) by Microsoft . The various sessions covering a dozen different standards and initiatives...
I am pleased to announce that the Information Certification is available as of today, September 23, 2011. The cost of the exam is $265 and candidates will have 2 hours to complete the 100-question exam. The exam is administered through Prometric test centers worldwide and is available on...
**Views expressed in this blog are my personal views and not those of my employer. Any reference to any living person or organisation, past or present, is entirely co-incidental** Here are some thought provoking and (I hope) some challenging thoughts and ideas in respect to National and...
Couple of years back I was handling a document conversion project for a well known multinational. There were two main obstacles that we had to face. 1. The main document that we had to scan was of a a non standard size. It was a bit longer than an A3 paper. This prevented us from...
It depends on the expectation. If you’re looking for a cookbook that tells you exactly what ingredients to combine in what proportion to produce a records management program, you’re going to be disappointed. On the other hand, if you’re looking for help in outlining your company’s approach to...
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