It’s been said that IT Doesn’t Matter. The same has been said about Records Managers and the systems that Records Managers maintain. Some of the thinking thrown around is that people can store whatever they want and they can find it whenever they need to with search. This has several...
The implications of commodity storage are not hard to determine. The prices are going down. The game is afoot. The vendors want your data. They want your money. They want to hook you now to “serve” you for the long haul. Box, Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple are all...
Now that the buzz around the cloud has died down a little, and that its acceptance has grown significantly enough to be seriously considered by corporations as part of the realm of technical solutions to software deployment, we ask the question of whether you can trust the cloud, if the data you...
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Over the past several months our knowledge management team has entertained some potential suitors to piece together the far-flung resources of a global engineering organization. Our Proof of Concept (or PoC) has centered on the adoption of competing enterprise search providers to help unify our...
The talk that surrounds online collaboration can get a bit abstract, with a penchant for buzzwords. For every press release or blog post that says we need to revolutionize our position as thought leaders through synergistic culture building, there's another business that signs up for online...
Most information managers are back office-based. Our customers are externally facing. We build the arguments and the rationales that our colleagues use to close deals and secure work. Our marketing efforts are internal. Our resources tend to be in-house – as much for our missions and charters...
Happy predictive mapping and good morning future. It's easier to get our crystal ball bearings with a recent step back into some bold and equally unheralded moves forward. In 2011 we entered two realms that will forever change human perceptions of learning and discovery. Google...
The signs are unmistakable. Tagging is how we keep our priorities straight and even how we define the contours of our online profiles. Labeling the buckets is finally out of the shadows. These are not closet organizers. These are our virtual neighbors who don’t manage information for a living....
Cloud document syncing services are all the rage nowadays, but for a regular user, their usage might quickly become the equivalent of a document syncing tower of Babel . Like in the old mythology’s story, where humans that used to speak only one language were divided by the...
(Not a student? Share this on Facebook with your kids) It’s no secret that employers are looking for people who know how to work on a team and collaborate effectively. Unfortunately, these skills are rarely taught formally: Instead, most of us learn them through things like group...
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