The United States and Greece have mandated the E-invoice processing solution...He noted that the cost of each invoice that is issued on paper is about 7-15 euros while an e-invoice costs about .60-.40 euros
Take these facts for example, based on each i nvoice it takes one average tree to produce 2778 invoices. With this information it is easily discernible that over a million trees could be saved if most of these invoices were transmitted electronically
The goal was to let customers share their experiences on implementing electronic invoicing and payables automation...So any department that was not using the new electronic invoice/payables automation system was out of compliance
We are back now to the wonderful world of invoice management and workflow...We have all seen or been conscripted to participate in those processes in invoice document management which just don’t make any sense
For example, if you are creating a report that involves all invoices for a single vendor in a particular year, it would be relatively easy to locate the applicable records using the example structure above
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