Overview Within an enterprise SharePoint 2010 deployment, a key best practice to ensure your organization’s long-term SharePoint’s success, is the creation of a SharePoint Steering committee and engaging and\or including your organizaton’s key business and technology leaders to this committee
Purpose of Article The purpose of the document is to outline EPC Group best practice recommendations from an “In the Trenches” SharePoint Consulting perspective for Enterprise SharePoint 2010 Environments
1 Comment - Can we run user profile full sync and db full backup simultaneously in SharePoint 2010?
Security Governance Best Practices for SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 | SharePoint Online EPC Group understands that security has never been a hotter topic in IT, but in most cases, even though it is being discussed by members of the organization and dominates a good deal of technology news coverage, it is still often not properly addressed in many SharePoint deployments. In many SharePoint deployments, the organization’s Active Directory (AD) deployment may have a good deal of duplication, custom groups, or old and expired information that have been created and stored over many years
This article is meant to cover over a decade of real-life SharePoint “In the trenches consulting”, the 500 gallons of coffee consumed, hundreds of working (train-the-trainer) lunches, and thousands of hours of design, implementation, development, and configuration experience that I would like to share from EPC Group with the AIIM community
1 Comment - http://sharepoint.asia/few-questions-to-be-answered-before-you-start-a-sharepoint-project/
The Business Intelligence Capabilities of SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities in SharePoint 2013 are vast and in many cases are achieved with a combination of SharePoint and Microsoft Office or SharePoint and SQL Server’s capabilities
Workflow Development "From the Consulting Trenches" There has been a complete update to SharePoint 2013 ’s workflow capabilities and overall workflow architecture, as shown in image below, with new features as well as the underlying workflow engine itself receiving a major overhaul. In this post, EPC Group's SharePoint and Office 365 hybrid development team will walk you through new best practices and strategies regarding workflow development
This is the 3 nd in a 3 part “SharePoint Decision Guide – A Best Practices Roadmap and Organizational Strategy” white paper developed by EPC Group to provide you with key information and in-depth analysis that will assist your organization in developing a best practices 24-36 month SharePoint \ Office 365 Roadmap and related implementation strategy
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization. New Hybrid (Office 365) Governance Fundamentals Users that Ignore Governance and Planning for the Real World If it’s easy to get around it, they will: To ensure it will happen, enforce it transparently If it’s to complex, it won’t happen Strike a balance between: Note: Always consider compliance around HIPAA, PHI, and PII related data in Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013. EPC Group’s Hybrid Governance Framework Step 1 – Understand what to Enforce Step 2 – Balance the enforcement Step 3 – How and where to enforce Step 4 – Prioritize the enforcement solutions Step 5 – Continue to Review and Enforce When and What to Enforce - EPC Group Framework Governance Feature Enforce Nothing Enforce Something Enforce Everything PII Policy Document (‘here’s our policy on exposing PII’) Monthly Audit (manual or physical ; random or comprehensive) Automated Audit on Upload Site Quota No Quotas or Suggested Quotas Tiered Options; business rules Chargeback model Site Creation Training on Where it Goes IT creates for you Fully automated with workflow Site Expiration At owner discretion Manual email sent to site owners asking
After 7 months of writing and 50+ SharePoint 2013 projects that my firm EPC Group has been engaged, I completed “SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches” from this “real world” perspective which will be published later this year
I believe this is something missing from the community and I am hopeful this will help in the development of not only SharePoint end-user training for your organization but Train-the-Trainer and Power User Training for which EPC Group finds so valuable to ensuring a succesful SharePoint Implementation. EPC Group is current working on our SharePoint 2013 training guide which I will post in, well, probably the next year :) Welcome to the EPC Group SharePoint 2010 training guide. This guide is designed to help the SharePoint 2010 user audience become familiar with the new SharePoint environment
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